IT OR COMPUTER SCIENCE : Which field should I pursue?

Computer Science is the study of computer's design and operation. Computer science focuses on using and understanding the algorithmic and mathematical processes that can be applied to computer systems Information technology on the other hand refers to the application of computer programs to solve business processes. It is the application of technology in business. Information technology is very vast in terms of scale because it is applied virtually to any type of process that may require automation, from business, scientific research to the music industry, telecoms and banking.

In India most of the universities offers a Computer Science based IT programmes as that will give the students a greater understanding of both fields as well as wider opportunities.  Hence there is no significant difference between the two courses B.Tech(CSE) and B.Tech(IT).

In most universities in our country the syllabus of B.Tech(IT) and B.Tech(CS) is almost similar .This enables the students to choose a career either in computer science or IT and also to pursue higher education either in computer science or information technology. A comparison of the syllabus offered by M G University is given below
Difference between the syllabus in Computer Science and IT

Computer Science
Information Technology
Semester 3
Engineering Mathematics II Engineering Mathematics II
Economics and Communication Skills Economics and Communication Skills
Problem Solving and Computer Programming Discrete and Integrated Electronic Circuits[Electronics Devices and Circuits of CSE]
Computer Organization[in S4 IT] Switching Theory and Logic Design
Switching Theory and Logic Design Principles of Communication Engineering[in S4 CSE]
Electronics Devices and Circuits  Problem Solving and Computer Programming
Programming lab Electronic Circuits and Communication Lab[in S4 CSE]
Logic Design lab(S4 IT) Programming Lab
Semester 4
Engineering Mathematics III Engineering Mathematics III
Object Oriented Programming Principles of Management[in S5 CSE]
Data Structures and Algorithms Computer Organization  and Architecture[in S4 CSE]
Communication Systems(in S3IT) Theory of Computation
Microprocessor Systems (in S5IT) Data Structures and Algorithms
Theory of Computation Object Oriented Techniques
Data Structures lab Logic Design Lab [in S3 CSE]
Electronic Circuits lab (S3 IT) Data Structures and Programming Lab [Data Structures Lab of CSE + C++ and Java Lab]
Semester 5
Engineering Mathematics IV Engineering Mathematics IV
Principles of Management  (in S4 IT) Microprocessors and Microcontrollers
Database Management Systems Data Communication
Digital Signal Processing  (in S6 IT) Operating Systems
Operating Systems Language Translators[in S6 CSE as System Software]
Advanced Microprocessors & Peripherals Database Management Systems
Database Lab PC Hardware and Microprocessors Lab
Hardware & Microprocessors lab Systems Lab [Database Lab of CSE + UNIX]
Semester 6
Design and Analysis of Algorithms Computer Networks
Internet Computing  (in S7 IT) Digital Signal Processing [in S5 CSE]
System Software ( in S5 IT as Language Translators) Information Theory and Coding
Computer Networks Software Engineering
Software Engineering Design and Analysis of Algorithms
Elective I Elective I
Operating Systems Lab (S5 IT) Network Programming Lab
Mini Project Mini Project
Semester 7
Web Technologies Financial Management and E-Banking
Compiler Construction Object Oriented Modelling and Design
Computer Graphics Computer Graphics and Multimedia Systems
Object Oriented Modelling & Design Internetworking (Similar to CCNA)
Principles of Programming Languages Web Applications Development
Elective II Elective II
Systems Programming Lab Internetworking Lab
Networking lab Computer Aided Software Engineering Lab
Semester 8
High Performance Computing Wireless Communication
Artificial Intelligence Cryptography and Network Security
Security in Computing Artificial Intelligence
Elective III Elective III
Elective IV Elective IV
Computer Graphics Lab Web Applications Lab
Main Project Main Project


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